Grouphorse is certified to the ISO 9001: 2008 standard and more than 80 percent of its employees hold a master’s degree or above. We have over 100 simultaneous interpreters who have served domestic and foreign political leaders and completed over 1,000 major conference interpreting tasks. Many of them have worked at the UN agencies, the Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Commission (SCIC) and are members of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC). We also have over 1,000 senior translators who have passed our challenging tests, a good many of whom have also passed the Translator Level 1 (highest level in the industry in China) of the China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters. Some of them are currently senior translation proofreaders working at the UN agencies. They have all been tutored by translation and interpreting masters, such as Ms. Yanan Xu, Chief Expert at Grouphorse, former Director-General of the Department of Translation and Interpretation at Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), former Chief of the Chinese Translation Service of the Documentation Division of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM) at the United Nations and Executive Director of the Translators Association of China, and Dr. Yong Ho, Senior Advisor at Grouphorse and former Chinese Language Supervisor of the UN Chinese Language Program. Grouphorse’s employees keep pursuing excellence and honor their commitment to facilitating global communication for better international relations.



Ms. Yanan Xu

Ms. Yanan Xu

Ms. Yanan Xu is a Senior Advisor at Grouphorse, the Executive Director of the Translators Association of China, a Council Member of U.N. Association of China, and a member of the International Federation of Translators. 

She is also a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Studies University, and the School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

She previously served as Director-General of the Department of Translation and Interpretation at MFA, Chief of the Chinese Translation Service of the Documentation Division of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM) at the UN, and Chinese Ambassador to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

She has translated 1999 Victory without War, White House Years, The Long March: The Untold Story, A Drop in the Bucket, The Civil Aviation Administration of China: A Soaring Phoenix, Contemporary China’s Foreign Affairs, The Diplomacy of Zhou Enlai, On Deng Xiaoping Thought and New China’s Diplomacy in Five Decades.

She has written the Translation and Interpreting in Foreign Affairs.

Dr. Yong Ho

Dr. Yong Ho

Dr. Yong Ho is a Senior Advisor at Grouphorse, Head of UN China Study Program, and an adjunct professor at New York University. He holds a doctorate degree in anthropology/linguistics from Columbia University.

He is also the Co-Chairman of Renwen Society at China Institute and the Executive Director of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York. He teaches as an adjunct professor at Nanjing University, Southeast University, Nanjing University of Science and Technology and Jiangsu Normal University, and has been hired by Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages to offer guidance and suggestions on its academic development. 

He previously taught in New School University in New York, and served as Director of Curriculum and Language at China Institute, and Chinese Language Supervisor of the UN Chinese Language Program from 2002 to 2017. 

He has published in the US: Beginner’s Chinese, Intermediate Chinese, A Chinese-English Dictionary of 500 Most Frequently Used Words in Chinese, A Children’s Dictionary of Chinese, A Practical English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary, China: An Illustrated History, and Aspects of Discourse Structure in Mandarin Chinese, as well as over 30 articles and papers in China.

Dr. Yong Ho has been awarded the UN21 Awards by the seventh UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2004 and the eighth UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2014.  

Mr. Yongxiang Wan, Foreign Affairs Advisor

Mr. Yongxiang Wan, Foreign Affairs Advisor

Mr. Wan currently serves as Party Secretary and Vice President of the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs.

He previously served as Assistant to Chinese Foreign Minister, Chinese Ambassador to Czech Republic, Brazil and North Korea, Secretary of the Committee for Discipline Inspection of MFA, member of the National Administration for the Protection of State Secrets (a sub-provincial-level title), Commissioner of MFA in the Macao Special Administrative Region, Party representative of the 13th, 14th and 15th National People’s Congress, member of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and Deputy Director of the Subcommittee of Foreign Affairs of the 10th National Committee of the CPPCC.


Mr. Lin Chen, Teaching Advisor

Mr. Lin Chen, Teaching Advisor

Mr. Chen is the Head of the Expert Group of the National English Curriculum Standard Development Program of the Ministry of Education, the Director-General of the China Basic Foreign Language Education Research and Training Center, the Head of the Expert Group of the Organizing Committee of “Beijing Speaks Foreign Languages” Program, and the Director of the Expert Group of the Committee of Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs.

Mr. Chen is also an Advisor at the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, the Chief Advisor at the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and an Advisor at China Daily.

Ms. Yanhua Shi, Translation and Interpreting Advisor

Ms. Yanhua Shi, Translation and Interpreting Advisor

Ms. Shi is currently the Executive Vice Chairwoman of the Translators Association of China (TAC) and Director-General of the TAC Foreign Relations Translation Committee. She is also a foreign language expert at MFA.

She previously served as Director-General of the Department of Translation and Interpretation at MFA, and Chinese Ambassador to Luxembourg, and had long been interpreting for Chinese national leaders such as Deng Xiaoping and Zhou Enlai, and finalizing the English version of major foreign affairs documents.

Mr. Zhenjiang Zhao, Translation and Interpreting Advisor

Mr. Zhenjiang Zhao, Translation and Interpreting Advisor

Mr. Zhao is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Peking University.

He previously served as Head of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Language and Literature at Peking University, and Director of the Academic Committee of School of Foreign Languages of Peking University.

He is a recipient of Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic awarded by the King of Spain, Knight of the Order of May by the Argentine President, Pablo Neruda Presidential Medal by the Chilean President and Knight of the Order of Rubén Darío by Sino-Chile Cultural Institute.

Mr. Shaozhong Pan, Translation and Interpreting Advisor

Mr. Shaozhong Pan, Translation and Interpreting Advisor

Mr. Pan is the Chief Editor of New Age Chinese-English Dictionary (published by 21st Century Publishing Group). He is also a professor at China Foreign Affairs University entitled to the special government allowance granted by the State Council, a visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, a Fulbright senior scholar (at Yale University), and a specially-engaged researcher at the Dictionary Research Center of the Commercial Press.

He previously served as Head of the simultaneous interpretation team at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Mr. Peixin Lu, Protocol Advisor

Mr. Peixin Lu, Protocol Advisor

 Mr. Lu previously served as Director-General of the Department of Protocol of MFA. During his term, he had engaged in arranging diplomatic activities for former Premier Zhou Enlai and Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, accompanied the then President Jiang Zemin and Premier Li Peng during foreign visits, and participated in the reception of world leaders, including former presidents of the United States (from Richard Nixon to Bill Clinton),  UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev, and Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Julie Tay, Senior Advisor/Translation Revisor

Julie Tay, Senior Advisor/Translation Revisor

Julie Tay is clinical assistant professor with NYU School of Professional Studies - Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting where she teaches two master’s level courses, Commercial Translation, and Strategic Market Perspectives in Translation. Tay is a lifetime translator and interpreter working in English and Chinese (of several dialects) and has served over 20 years as language and cultural consultant in and around the New York area. Tay earned her M.A. in Anthropology (1994) from the City University of New York, a post-graduate Diploma in Education (1987) from the National University of Singapore. As an ethnographer, arts presenter, and educator particularly conversant with Southeast Asia and China, Tay has made numerous live and media appearances including a 2013 radio interview on WQXR 105.9 FM on Voices of the Lunar New Year, performance and interview in the Ebru.TV Series, Roots & Rhythm (in 2009), and in 2001 a credited contribution to the post-9/11 documentary initiative, “Harmony & Spirit – Chinese Americans in New York,” aired on WNET. In Nov 2015, Tay represented the NYU Translation Program to in a panel presentation, ‘Discover the Translator’s Inner Technologist’ at the ATA 56th Conference. Tay’s long-term research is in oral traditions and urban folk associations; in May 2016, she spoke on “Who Translates What: A return to subjectivity and other sustainability issues in translation” at the New England Translators’ Association. In June 2016, she was guest speaker on “Challenges and Opportunities for the “C-E” Translator Today” at Shanghai Jiaotong University and Nanjing Southeast University. In September 2017, she served on the Panel “Place-making through Food and Language” at the New York Folklore Society Symposium.  Julie is currently collaborating with former student Liu Mandi co-translating/editing Dr. Liping Liao’s award-winning Rang Ni Bu Shengbing (How Not to Get Sick), a compendium on traditional Chinese medicine for popular readership.